All Aboard! It’s Time for CK’s CHA Cute Booth Tour

02/04/2010 at 4:00 am | Posted in General Inspiration, product | 166 Comments
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Tickets. Tickets, please. This is the CHA Express, and we’re ready to embark on the 2010 Cute Booth Tour. This CHA, each of the CK editors in attendance (Brittany, Joannie, Kim, and I) selected our favorite happy places and captured short videos of some of the booth highlights. Plus, we added one bonus booth, simply because we couldn’t resist including one more dose of show-floor bliss. So grab yourself a seat near the window, and get ready to see some of the cutest booths on the CHA block. All aboard!

Stop #1: The Girls’ Paperie, Joannie McBride’s pick

This sweetie-pie place is full handmade paper delights, including paper garlands, the sweetest little street of houses you’ll ever encounter, and a special guided tour by Ms. Margie Romney-Aslett, the creative talent behind this new line!

Stop #2: Unity Stamp Co., Megan Hoeppner’s pick

As you likely know, I’m a bit of a bird nerd. So when I saw the stuffed bluebird perched on the picket fence in this wonderland, I knew instantly that it had my vote.

Stop #3: Couture Cardstock, Brittany Beattie’s pick

One look at this amazing booth and you’ll fall in love with your cardstock all over again. This impressive location was adorned with incredible cardstock creations, including dresses, shoes, and even an Eiffel Tower.

Stop #4: Graphic 45, Kim Jackson’s pick

Step back in time with this vintage hot spot and discover the limitless possibilities for transforming just about anything from old to new with little more than a sheet of debonair paper.

Stop #5: Pink Paislee, a group bonus pick

There’s no way we could leave out this bright spot out of our Cute Booth Tour. It’s packed with handmade pizzazz. From stitched chicken wire to a charming sitting area, this place was definitely worth visiting.

Well, that concludes the Cute Booth Tour for this show. Did you have a nice time? What spot(s) captured your heart? Rather than leave your tour guide a tip, we’d love to have you leave your feedback in the form of a comment by Monday, February 8, 2010. And the tip may end up being yours, as we’re giving away a fabulous CHA prize package from Jillibean Soup to one lucky tour attendee. Check the “Giveaways” tab on Tuesday, February 9 to see if you’re our winner.

Now, exit to your left and watch your step. We want to see you back on this tour bus again next CHA.

Megan Hoeppner, creative editor

Announcing Our 2010 Dream Team Members

11/04/2009 at 4:00 am | Posted in Uncategorized | 60 Comments
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meganWith our December 2009 issue already out and our January 2010 issue right around the corner (can you believe that?), it’s time to announce our 2010 Dream Team. This talented group of 10 women will bring you fresh designs in every 2010 issue of our magazine, as well as act as stellar magazine representatives at various events and activities.

Let’s get to their names and faces (and a few get-to-know-you questions), shall we? Drum roll, please . . .

Congratulations to the following 2010 CK Dream Team members:

Cindy-TobeyCindy Tobey

1. How long have you scrapbooked? 12 or 13 years now.

2. What is your favorite technique? Stitching, either by hand or machine. A close second would be painting.

3. If you were allowed only one scrapbooking embellishment to use on a layout, what type of embellishment would you choose? Buttons or decorative brads. It would be so hard for me to choose just one type, though.

4. Where do you look for design inspiration? Junk mail, catalogs, home decor, book covers, clothing tags . . . everywhere, really.

5. How would you define your scrapbooking style? This is always a hard question for me to answer. Organized, quirky and ever-changing.

6. What do you like most about scrapbooking? The creative process. I love that I’m preserving family memories, but it’s the process that keeps me coming back. I LOVE it!

Deena-WuestDeena Wuest

1. How long have you scrapbooked? I started paper scrapbooking in 2000, shortly after my first daughter was born. I was actually one of those people who swore I would never try digital scrapbooking. Ha. Can you imagine? It was five years later when I realized I was drafting every layout on the computer and using it to design and print my text. Piecing everything together manually turned into the last step, as if it were almost an afterthought. Finally, when my toddler ate half a layout and repeatedly date-stamped his shirt, I reluctantly walked through a Photoshop tutorial. I completed my first digital layout in 2005, and I was completely and utterly in love. I still thank my then-destructive two-year-old son for helping me find my passion.

2.  What is your favorite technique? I don’t know if it’s officially a “technique,” but I love using bold typography on my layouts. The fact that you can create art using just letters and numbers is so fascinating to me. Honestly, I get excited over the placement of text. (I’m still not sure if I should be alarmed by that or not.) While I love fonts and have over 1,000 of them on my computer, I use the same journaling font on around 90% of my pages. At first, I seriously thought I needed a support group. I’ve since embraced it and actually found that using the same font provides a sense of continuity in my albums. Hmm. Who knew?

3. If you were allowed only one scrapbooking embellishment to use on a layout, what type of embellishment would you choose? Interesting question. Since most of my layouts are digital, I am going to claim the “digital brush” to be an embellishment. Brushes add so much to a layout and can range from graphic and bold to soft and subtle. I love the flexibility and freedom they provide. You can adjust the color, size, opacity and blend mode. You can combine them, delete portions . . . the list goes on. It’s complete creative control. I love that!

4. Where do you look for design inspiration? Everywhere. While I love to be inspired by clever design found in advertisements, books, billboards, movie posters and CD covers, I also find myself being inspired by the small things. An unusual color scheme found on a candy wrapper, the texture of a blanket or a spoken phrase heard over the radio have all sparked scrapbook layouts.

5. How would you define your scrapbooking style? Simple. Clean. Graphic.

6. What do you like most about scrapbooking? I love the fact that this amazing hobby allows me to combine my passion for my family with my passion for design. I love that it provides a creative outlet where I’m free to try cool, new things, to experiment and to play. But mostly, I love what it allows me to leave for my family. It’s more than documenting what they wore for Halloween or what they received for their birthdays. Granted, that’s important information. But even more so I want them to know how much they are loved. I have always considered each layout to be a “love note” that just happens to contain a sprinkling of life events. To me, that’s what scrapbooking is all about. And that’s why I love it.

Jen-JockischJen Jockisch

1. How long have you scrapbooked? 6 years.

2. What is your favorite technique? Anything using foam adhesive. I love the depth and dimension it adds to pages.

3. If you were allowed only one scrapbooking embellishment to use on a layout, what type of embellishment would you choose? The one thing I can’t do without is patterned paper. I love mixing different colors and patterns and finding funky combinations.

4. Where do you look for design inspiration? Home-design blogs and ads on Nick Jr. (Seriously, there is some great stuff there.)

5. How would you define your scrapbooking style? Layered, fun and a little whimsical.

6. What do you like most about scrapbooking? I like that I’m not only doing something I love, but I’m actually being productive by documenting my family’s story.

Kim-WatsonKim Watson

1. How long have you scrapbooked? Nearly five years. I started when my little boy was six months old. I wanted to journal his life in a creative, meaningful way.

2. What is your favorite technique? Coming from a fashion background, I love stitching and using fabric. Paper crafting and creating my own embellishments also make the list.

3. If you were allowed only one scrapbooking embellishment to use on a layout, what type of embellishment would you choose? Alphas, definitely alphas.

4. Where do you look for design inspiration? Fashion, craft world, photography and interior design.

5. How would you define your scrapbooking style? Feminine with a touch of whimsy.

6. What do you like most about scrapbooking? I love that it satisfies me on so many levels: my need for a creative outlet, my love of writing and my interest in photography. Above all, the most important reason is to leave a legacy for my children.

Laura-VegasLaura Vegas

1. How long have you scrapbooked? I have scrapbooked for about 14 years now. I started a year before my oldest daughter was born.

2. What is your favorite technique? Collaging is a technique, right? I love to collage my layouts together–whether it’s making photo collages or just arranging my photos and patterned papers into a collaged look to fill up the page. It’s like piecing together a puzzle, and I just love arranging things until they fit together to my liking.

3. If you were allowed only one scrapbooking embellishment to use on a layout, what type of embellishment would you choose? This really isn’t fair to all the other fabulous embellishments out there, but I would have to pick ribbon. The majority of my layouts have ribbon used in one way or another. Since ribbon can be used in so many ways, I never get bored with it.

4. Where do you look for design inspiration? My main inspiration comes from either my photos or product. Great photos can be the starting point for so many layouts. If the photos don’t inspire me, then most likely product will. I’m very product driven, and I will often create layouts just because I want to use certain products or papers, without even knowing what photos I am going to use. So my layouts have been known to start with photos or end with photos. Both ways work for me.

5. How would you define your scrapbooking style? My style is definitely clean and linear, with a lot of straight lines. I gravitate toward bright, fun colors, and I love to use many photos on my layouts. I’m also a big fan of embellishments, and I love to find the perfect amount of fun “stuff” to complete my layouts.

6. What do you like most about scrapbooking? I love that I’m recording memories and events. Just by looking at their scrapbook albums, my girls will always know what happened in our lives. But I think what I love most about scrapbooking is the creative release it gives me. I spend most of my days doing mundane, everyday things over and over. So I feel my happiest when I get some creative time every day to play with paper and embellishments and to have something pretty to show for my time at the end.

Maggie-HolmesMaggie Holmes

1. How long have you scrapbooked? I started back in high school and have been hooked ever since!

2. What is your favorite technique? Right now my favorite technique is color misting. I love to use masks, stencils and anything I can get my hands on that will combine with the color mists to make a cool effect!

3. If you were allowed only one scrapbooking embellishment to use on a layout, what type of embellishment would you choose? My first answer would be patterned paper, but I guess that isn’t really an embellishment. Assuming I can’t use patterned paper, I would say chipboard. You can do anything with chipboard and customize it to work with any layout.

4. Where do you look for design inspiration? Everywhere! Seriously, I am always thinking in creative mode, and I see everything around me—nature, fashion, type, ads, magazines, home decor, photography, etc. Somehow it all mixes and combines in my head and eventually translates into what I create.

5. How would you define your scrapbooking style? Eclectic for sure. I love to mix things–different colors, different patterns and different mediums. I hardly ever use items made to match. Instead, I use bits and pieces from different lines and manufacturers. Combining everything together is where the magic happens for me.

6. What do you like most about scrapbooking? I love two things about scrapbooking. I love that I’m capturing and recording our family story. Our lives pass by so quickly, and I can’t imagine not having all my albums to look back on. The second thing I love is the creative process and the fulfillment and joy I get from scrapbooking. It just feels great to pull all these beautiful products and mediums together to make something that is so unique and meaningful to my family and me.

Sara-WinnickSara Winnick

1. How long have you scrapbooked? I’ve been scrapbooking since my daughter Anna was born in 2002–seven and one-half years!

2. What is your favorite technique? It’s impossible to choose just one!  I have a thing for clear embossing, but I also love piecing together various elements to create cool titles.

3. If you were allowed only one scrapbooking embellishment to use on a layout, what type of embellishment would you choose? Only one? It’s a toss-up between chipboard hearts from Heidi Swapp for Advantus and Flair from American Crafts.

4. Where do you look for design inspiration? Real Simple magazine never fails me. 🙂

5. How would you define your scrapbooking style? I love bold colors and stripes, so I often use them on my pages.

6. What do you like most about scrapbooking? I love creating new pages, but there’s nothing quite like flipping through old layouts remembering.  I scrapbook for so many reasons, but to remember is the biggest reason I love this hobby.

Susan-WeinrothSusan Weinroth

1. How long have you scrapbooked? Since 2004.

2. What is your favorite technique? I love to machine-stitch and sew little tidbits to my pages.

3. If you were allowed only one scrapbooking embellishment to use on a layout, what type of embellishment would you choose? Hmmmmmm. That’s tough! I’d probably have to go with rhinestone brads from American Crafts–they are a current favorite of mine!

4. Where do you look for design inspiration? Home decorating magazines, various favorite websites and storefront displays.

5. How would you define your scrapbooking style? Clean and colorful with a few fun twists thrown in!

6. What do you like most about scrapbooking? I love that scrapbooking has become my “job” and that it allows me to stay at home with my toddler-aged son, while at the same time allowing me to preserve my family’s photos and memories.

Suzy-PlantamuraSuzy Plantamura

1. How long have you scrapbooked? I’ve been scrapping forever. I made scrapbooks in high school with memorabilia, cards, schoolwork, etc. The only difference was they didn’t have any pictures! Once I had Sophie (who is now ten), I started scrapping the way I do now, with lots of photos and journaling.

2. What is your favorite technique? Anything that includes markers–I love hand journaling, doodling, adding borders or coloring in stamped images. Markers are so much fun!

3. If you were allowed only one scrapbooking embellishment to use on a layout, what type of embellishment would you choose? Probably ribbon—I can’t seem to make a layout without it.

4. Where do you look for design inspiration? I don’t spend a lot of time getting inspired. As soon as I see pictures and products, I feel ready to go! When I make the time, I find inspiration everywhere! Catalogs, magazines, books, posters, nature, fashion, home decor–it all speaks to me! If I really wanted to get inspired, I would blog hop more often. Again, time prohibits my ability to do this, but there are so many online resources available to inspire us scrappers!

5. How would you define your scrapbooking style? I’d like to say whimsical, but I don’t always feel that from my pages. But I try! My mathematical mind wants things neat, tidy and aligned, but my creative side wants things messy and artistic. I struggle to balance the two. I wish I could scrap more freely without any constraints!

6. What do you like most about scrapbooking? There is nothing I don’t like about scrapbooking. I like every little bit of it–from starting with buying products to taking the photos to designing the pages. It’s all soooooo fun! There’s nothing more fun to me than getting a new box of products (especially if they’re free!) and sorting them all and organizing them. It’s pure heaven for this girl!

Wendy-Sue-AndersonWendy Sue Anderson

1. How long have you scrapbooked? Forever! I remember helpling my mom when I was a little girl. We used rubber cement (yikes!!) to glue school papers, birthday cards, etc. into a big, green scrapbook. I made my own high-school scrapbook in a magnetic photo album (yikes again!). After I married, I discovered Pebbles in My Pocket on my lunch break one day. I’ve been scrapbooking (safely) almost every day since then!

2. What is your favorite technique? I love machine-stitching on my projects. My parents bought me a sewing machine as a college graduation gift. It’s my favorite scrapbooking tool!

3. If you were allowed only one scrapbooking embellishment to use on a layout, what type of embellishment would you choose? Hmmm, I would use buttons. Or ribbon.

4. Where do you look for design inspiration? Everywhere: catalogs, magazines, websites, blogs, picture books, shampoo bottles, junk mail, the grocery store . . .

5. How would you define your scrapbooking style? Clean, simple, cute, consistent.

6. What do you like most about scrapbooking? I really enjoy being creative, but I think my favorite part is seeing my kids enjoy the pages in their scrapbooks. I’m glad they’ll always have a record of the cute things, fun events and interesting family stories from their childhoods.


We’re thrilled to have each of these talented gals on our CK Dream Team for the coming year. They have already brought so much to our magazine and are sure to inspire you in the year to come.

Thanks to Our Dream Team Sponsors
To get their CK year off to an awesome start, we sent each of these gals a lovely welcome gift provided by our 2010 Dream Team sponsors. A great big thank-you goes out to the following incredible companies:

Adornit – Carolee’s Creations, Advantus, American Art Clay Company, American Crafts, Anna Griffin, BasicGrey, Bazzill Basics Paper, Bella Blvd, Bisous, Bo-Bunny Press, Buttons Galore, C.R. Gibson, Clearsnap, Close To My Heart, Colorbök, Core’dinations, Cornish Heritage Farms, Cosmo Cricket, The Crafter’s Workshop, Creative Memories, Die Cuts With a View, Dimensions, Doodlebug Design, Dyno Merchandise, EK Success, Elmer’s, Eyelet Outlet, Fancy Pants Designs, Fiskars Americas, GlueArts, Glue Dots International, Graphic 45, Hambly Screen Prints, Helmar Adhesives, Hero Arts, iLoveToCreate, a Duncan Enterprises Company, Imaginisce, Inkadinkado , It Takes Two, Jenni Bowlin Studio, Jillibean Soup, K&Company, Karen Foster Design, Krylon, Little Yellow Bicycle, Maya Road, McGill, Mimi Collections, Pebbles Inc., Piggy Tales, Pink Paislee, Prima, QuicKutz, River City Rubber Works, Sakura, Sandylion, Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L, ScrapGirls, Scrapper’s Guide, SEI, Singer, Sounds Easy, Spellbinders, Stampendous!, Stampin’ Up!, Technique Tuesday, Therm O Web, Unibind, We R Memory Keepers, Zva Creative

mou-sahaA New Contributing Writer
In addition to announcing our Dream Team, we have a talented new contributing writer to announce. Mou Saha, a wonderful member of our 2009 Dream Team, has joined our writer roster. We’re delighted to have her working with us in this capacity next year! Congrats, Mou!



A Note from You
Now, please join us in welcoming our newest creative crew by leaving a comment. You’re welcome to suggest ideas you’d like to see them cover in the year ahead, or you can simply give them a happy e-hello. Either way, we know they’ll love hearing from you!

Megan Hoeppner, Creative Editor

CHA Wrap-Up: Day 6

08/15/2009 at 9:00 am | Posted in Insider's Look | 74 Comments
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meganToday is bittersweet for me. I’m not going to lie when I say that I’m slightly relieved to be giving you a break from my on-camera self. There’s only so much Meg-behind-the-camera a person can stand before it’s time to take a rest. But, I’m also sad to see our CHA festivities come to a close. I’ve had a blast sharing a little of our show experience with you, and I love, love, LOVE reading your thoughts after each post. You’ve had so many great ideas and suggestions to share. Thanks for taking the time to provide your thoughts.

Okay, so I imagine the daily giveaways probably had a little something to do with some of you sharing, and that’s okay. We’re not above bribing for information every now and then. 😉 Plus, we’re delighted to share some of the CHA goodies with those of you who are selected as our lucky winners.


Winners will be posted under the “Giveaway” tab of this blog on Monday, so you have until Sunday, August 16 at 11:59 PM MT to post comments on any of our CHA posts, including this one, to qualify.

IMPORTANT: We do not contact winners directly. Instead, we ask that you contact us. So please, check that tab for your name. I can’t tell you how many prizes have gone unclaimed because we haven’t heard back from our lucky folks. Tie a string around that creative finger of yours and make a note to check the tab on Monday (probably in the late morning, as I’ll need time to select my winners and post them when I get in on Monday). Thanks!

Let’s conclude our CHA adventures with some highlight photos. Here are a few of the bright spots on our CHA trail this time around:

Check out some of the amazing project ideas spotted on the show floor.

Like this one from Bella Blvd. Aren’t the bright colors fun?



Giddyup! This page found in the Karen Foster Design booth has some real cowgirl appeal!


How cool is the masking on this mini album found at the Hambly booth?



It was tea time in the Pink Paislee booth.



This mini album from Prima brings out the happy child within.



Just as this layout suggests, it was all good in the Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker booth.


Christmas came early in the Bazzill booth. I L-O-V-E that green pompom tree. What a festive idea!




CHA wouldn’t be CHA without the new-product overload. Here’s just a small sampling of the treats that  caught our eyes. 

As a self-described bird nerd, all of these stamps from Hampton Art Stamps have me hooting and hollering with happiness.



Thanks to the new line of storage products from Doodlebug, organizing has never been cuter.



My heart skipped a beat when I came across these newest flowers from Prima.



These frosted accents from Maya Road have real character.



Our camera doesn’t do the intricate details of these Paper Wizard accents justice. They’re amazing!



Really, so much of the magic of CHA lies in the presentation. Take a look at these stylish approaches.

The fine folks at October Afternoon displayed some of their sassy projects on this cool looking tree.



Tim Holtz’s style is all over these awesome displays found in the Advantus booth.



Our friends at Jillibean Soup weren’t chicken. They displayed their products prominently on wire. Fun!



7gypsies hung their beautiful paper with ribbon. Wouldn’t something like this look pretty hanging on the wall in your craft room?


Leave it to the creativity of scrapbookers to turn their favorite scrap elements into stylish wears.


The fashionistas at Jenni Bowlin turned chipboard buttons into bubbly bracelets.



Look at this necklace, created from a Sizzix die. Isn’t it stunning? Fashion-Sizzix


The beauties at Bella Blvd. made a canvas bag bloom using their new flowers. Fashion-Bella


If you look closely at this purse, you’ll see that part of it is made of Prima packaging. How’s that for resourceful? Fashion-Prima


In need of a Halloween costume this year? You could always make yourself a paper witch hat like this cute number from Pink Paislee.



All week you’ve been leaving fantastic questions in the comments section of our blog. Here are answers to a few of those:

 Q. Love the new boxes from Scrapsessories! I was packing up last night for a crop and was whining about how I didn’t have anything to keep my paints and stickles in for easy travel (yes they are in plastic storage bags right now). Can we order these yet?! -Kristyn G.

A. Great question. Our friends at ScrapCessories have a list of where you can purchase their innovative products on their website. And, Daphne, the smart brain behind this product, actually left a comment on our blog, letting you know that the Stickles and paint containers will be released soon. Thanks for visiting and sharing that info, Daphne.

Q. Yes… what percentage of the show is scrapbooking? What about other crafts and hobbies? Do y’all ever “cross over” into the other crafting arenas for ideas that fit with papercrafting? Just curious. -Angmomof3

A. You know, Ang, this show was a little unusual. In years past, there has been a good balance of scrapbooking and other crafts. Since the scrapbooking industry took off in popularity, the show has always had more scrapbooking than “other,” but the balance was still good. This show, on the other hand, was very scrapbooking heavy. There were booths with other crafts at the show, but they were few and far between. I’d say maybe 5% of this show was “other.” And, yes, we do cross over into other industries. I love using yarn, beads, fabric and paint on my pages, and you’ll oftentimes see pages with multiple mediums in our magazine. Thanks for asking and showing interest.

Q. The thought of all that scrappy (and other crafty) goodness in one spot – how do you manage to cope without sensory overload?! -Margot/NZ

A. You hit the nail on the head, Margot. “Sensory overload” is definitely what happens at CHA. There are SO many wonderful things to see, feel and take in. We tend to cope by taking lots of pictures (and video) and plenty of notes. Plus, we always gather catalogs from each company. Having these things to go back to after the show makes it easier to remember everything and take it all in.

Thanks for all of the fantastic questions!

To conclude this CHA party, I wanted to share a little video of our CHA CK contributor lunch. I adore spending time with the talented women behind some of the designs you see in the magazine and thought you’d like getting a little time with them as well.

Thanks for welcoming me into your . . . computers this week. I hope you’ve had as much fun as I have reliving (or experiencing or the first time) some of our memorable CHA moments. We look forward to spending time like this with you this winter when CHA Winter rolls around. In the meantime, watch for your favorite CHA finds to appear in upcoming issues of CK.

Megan Hoeppner, Creative Editor  

P.S. Any comments go this time. Thanks for sharing!

Weekly Warmup: CHA Wrap-Up Week

08/10/2009 at 11:52 am | Posted in weekly warm up | 127 Comments
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Hello there, blog buddies! Do you know what today is? Today kicks off a full week of doing the CHA-CHA, right here on this blog. Okay, so that’s not entirely accurate; dancing shoes are not a prerequisite. Instead, we’re celebrating the latest Craft & Hobby Association Show (CHA) that recently wrapped up in Orlando with a week of CHA-themed posts.


Here’s some of what you’ll find this week:


Back by popular demand, I’ll be sharing some video I took on the CHA show floor. (Okay, so nobody really demanded that these amateur films make another appearance after the last round, but I like to pretend they’re that good.) Some of the flicks you’ll find are:

  • Our CHA Cute Booth Tour
  • Product Demos
  • Meet a the CK Contributors
  • Trend Talk with Sassy Lori Fairbanks and Yours Truly
  • And more!



A look at amazing CHA projects that made their debut at this show. We’ll show you everything from the classy and elegant, like this sample from Tattered Angels



And the fun and cute, like this project from Hambly Screen Prints



To projects beyond the page, like these adorable Christmas jars by Pink Paislee.




CHA is about new products, and we’ve got a look at some of the latest and greatest to make their debut. Check out the new Monstrosity line from Sassafras. Who knew scary monsters could be so cute?




No, this popular boy band wasn’t in attendance—I guess they’re leaving the CHA celebrity appearances up to Paris. But, I do have the low-down on the newest companies to rock the scrap scene, and you won’t have to put up with the paparazzi mob to take an up-close look. Bonus!



Besides projects and products, CHA is about connecting with industry friends.

Here’s cute CK Dream Team Member, Kelly Purkey, visiting the Die Cuts With a View photo booth. Yes, they had a photo booth. Isn’t that fun?





And here I am with my new BFF (yes, my love is easily purchased), Grant Madsen of American Crafts. He had a Red Bull on reserve just for me. What a pal!



A post-CHA wrap-up wouldn’t be complete without giveaways. You can bet we’ll have some awesome new products to send out this week. Make sure you visit and enter to win.

Are you excited? I know I am. I can’t wait to be your blog host, strap on my dancing shoes and share CHA-CHA goodness with you this week. To get things started, I want to know what you look forward to seeing the most. Is there a particular thing about CHA that intrigues you more than anything else? If so, leave me a comment here. Yes, we will pull a comment at random to win a CHA prize pack. Winner will be announced next week. 

Megan Hoeppner, Creative Editor

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