All Aboard! It’s Time for CK’s CHA Cute Booth Tour

02/04/2010 at 4:00 am | Posted in General Inspiration, product | 166 Comments
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Tickets. Tickets, please. This is the CHA Express, and we’re ready to embark on the 2010 Cute Booth Tour. This CHA, each of the CK editors in attendance (Brittany, Joannie, Kim, and I) selected our favorite happy places and captured short videos of some of the booth highlights. Plus, we added one bonus booth, simply because we couldn’t resist including one more dose of show-floor bliss. So grab yourself a seat near the window, and get ready to see some of the cutest booths on the CHA block. All aboard!

Stop #1: The Girls’ Paperie, Joannie McBride’s pick

This sweetie-pie place is full handmade paper delights, including paper garlands, the sweetest little street of houses you’ll ever encounter, and a special guided tour by Ms. Margie Romney-Aslett, the creative talent behind this new line!

Stop #2: Unity Stamp Co., Megan Hoeppner’s pick

As you likely know, I’m a bit of a bird nerd. So when I saw the stuffed bluebird perched on the picket fence in this wonderland, I knew instantly that it had my vote.

Stop #3: Couture Cardstock, Brittany Beattie’s pick

One look at this amazing booth and you’ll fall in love with your cardstock all over again. This impressive location was adorned with incredible cardstock creations, including dresses, shoes, and even an Eiffel Tower.

Stop #4: Graphic 45, Kim Jackson’s pick

Step back in time with this vintage hot spot and discover the limitless possibilities for transforming just about anything from old to new with little more than a sheet of debonair paper.

Stop #5: Pink Paislee, a group bonus pick

There’s no way we could leave out this bright spot out of our Cute Booth Tour. It’s packed with handmade pizzazz. From stitched chicken wire to a charming sitting area, this place was definitely worth visiting.

Well, that concludes the Cute Booth Tour for this show. Did you have a nice time? What spot(s) captured your heart? Rather than leave your tour guide a tip, we’d love to have you leave your feedback in the form of a comment by Monday, February 8, 2010. And the tip may end up being yours, as we’re giving away a fabulous CHA prize package from Jillibean Soup to one lucky tour attendee. Check the “Giveaways” tab on Tuesday, February 9 to see if you’re our winner.

Now, exit to your left and watch your step. We want to see you back on this tour bus again next CHA.

Megan Hoeppner, creative editor

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