Weekly Warm-Up: Adhesives Week

10/19/2009 at 1:45 pm | Posted in weekly warm up | 150 Comments
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meganLooks like you’ve gotten yourself into a sticky situation, my friend. This is “Adhesives Week” on our blog! Did you get a chance to check out our comprehensive adhesives article in our October issue? Well, this is an e-expansion of that adhesives-how-to. By the time this week is through, we hope to answer some of your most common adhesive questions in the following categories:


With an entire row of adhesives available, how can I know what kind is best to use with my specific project needs? This is just one of the many glue-based questions we get asked on a regular basis. And while we did address it thoroughly in our October magazine feature, we will take it further this week.

In the spirit of tips, I’ll start this attractive party with one of my favorites:

When you’re gluing and notice you’ve smudged your pretty cardstock with adhesive runoff, don’t fear. Simply use an eraser to lift the gunk from your paper. Or, if you don’t have an eraser, you can always use the soft-rubber handles of scissors—something I do on a regular basis.



Adhesive is a must when it comes to scrapbooking, but how can I take it beyond tacking elements down? The various adhesive types offer so much in the way of creative potential. This week we’ll dedicate blog space to exploring some of these unique ideas. Let’s get started with something I put together.

Add depth to pen stitching using a glue pen and glitter or flocking. The added texture will feel more like real stitching without the need of a sewing machine or the risk of a poked finger.


I applied the pen stitching technique across Frank’s forehead.


Tip: Make sure you add the glitter before the glue dries. With this pen, the glue is blue when it’s wet. Once the glue begins going clear, you’ll know it’s drying.


For the stitching around Frank’s head, I used small strips from my adhesive runner.


Using the adhesive strips keeps the “stitches” around the outside of the card even.



What’s Adhesives Week without “Glue Grab Bags?” That’s like Shark Week without the shark—it isn’t gonna happen. Everyday this week, we’ll select two winners from each post to receive an impressive bag o’ adhesive (M – Th). And we’ll conclude the fun with a special guest blogger on Friday who happens to be hosting a grand giveaway of her own!


Thanks to our Sponsors

We couldn’t have done all of this without our amazing Adhesives Week sponsors. A special thanks to each of the following companies. Way to stick it to ‘em!

EK Success
Glue Arts
Glue Dots
KI Memories
Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L
Therm O Web

Megan Hoeppner, Creative Editor


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  1. Thank you for the tips on adhesives. I am looking for new ones so this is very helpful!

  2. Thanks for a chance….I can always use more adhesives!!
    Love the Halloween Card!!

  3. Love the stitching around Frank’s head!! What a great tip–using the adhesive strips to make the stitching even. Thanks for sharing!

  4. I love all different kind of adhesive. Just got an ATG and loving it. But I still have about 6 different kinds of adhesive for different applications! Thanks for the chance to win some more!!

  5. Thanks for the tips and the chance to win!

  6. I’m always in need of adhesive…i would love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity!!!

  7. What a great topic for this week. I was lucky enough to score my glue pen off my brother who dabbled one year in decorating a bauble as a gift – I got the glitter too!

  8. Perfect, i am just starting to run out of several different sizes/shapes of adhesive. This will definitly help me on my next shopping trip!

  9. Love the tips and who couldn’t use more AND more ways to use adhesives!!!!? 🙂

  10. Never would have thought of using the little tiny strips (tabs) for the stitching. Very neat. And to embellish the faux stitching with glitter or flocking. Love it.

  11. Thanks for the great ideas! Love the stitching with the glitter 🙂

  12. Cool tips – I can always use help with adhesives!

  13. Those are some nifty tips! Thank you for sharing….guess I will have to invest in some of those types of adhesive…..who knew????

  14. What a great idea with the little adhesive strips! Adhesive is one of my favorite tools…besides the fact that it’s a neccessity! Thanks for sharing!

  15. what a cool idea to do stitch with your glue pen and some glitter!! love the stitched look but far too lazy to pull out the needle and thread . . . hehehehehe! thanx for the cool idea!

  16. what scrapper couldn’t use more adhesive?! I would love to try what’s in the goody bag!

  17. Adorable monster card, Megan! Thanks for the chance to win! I always could use more adhesive for my projects.

  18. Oh, what a great idea to have adhesives week!! Thanks for the post!

  19. Adhesives are always a welcome topic – thanks for the chance

  20. Love the idea of using single strips to create the stitching! Tahnks!

  21. Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. using the rubber handles of scissors?? great tip! I’m always misplacing my adhesive removing eraser, but I have so many soft handled scissors lying around.

  23. Thanks you for the tips and a chance to win some great adhesives

  24. I love the adhesive runner idea! It looks so cute and makes everything even, which is great.

  25. What a great idea. I love this look, especially great because I don’t like to sew. Thanks. Nancy

  26. I could always use adhesives. Thanks for the chance!

  27. Would love to add more adhesive to my collecation. Love the tip about the scissors and adhesive. Thanks

  28. This is my very first CK blog comment. I am so happy that you all did a spread on adhesives. One of my go to adhesives and I have had a recent falling out, literally everything is falling off my pages and cards. I strolled up and down the adhesive isles of Michaels and other stores but have been so overwhelmed and not known which products truly work for which project. The recent “falling out” came in perfect timing with your adhesive week..can’t wait for more posts on helpful hints.

  29. There are so many great adhesives out there…I would love to experiment with some new-to-me adhesives! 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win a little goodie glue bag!

  30. Fun card! Who can’t use more adhesive? = )

  31. Wonderful tips on adhesive! Looking forward to the rest of the week!

  32. Love your card, very boo-tiful. Have a great day :o)

  33. You can never have enough adhesive, and the varieties phenomenal! Thanks for the tips and tricks!

  34. Thanks for the tips – I never knew how to get the “gunk” off and the scissor handle is a great idea!! Thanks also for the giveaway!

  35. I have some of those strip adhesives, but never use them- what a great idea that will let me use some of my stash!

  36. ooooh I want to win some adhesives!

  37. Love the stitches on your Halloween card!

  38. I’m always in need of adhesive, it seems like I never have enough. Thanks for the chance to win!

  39. Thanks for the giveaway – everyone could always use more adhesive!

  40. Keep the adhesive tips coming. I still have yet to find one that I consistently love. Hoping you’ll mention something I haven’t tried yet.

  41. This is a super cute card! My little children would have fun making this. Thank you for the tips!

  42. Thanks for the tips & the chance to win!

  43. That card is adorable! So Cute! And thanks for the chance to win!

  44. Oooooh! I love adhesives – I collect them just like patterned paper.

  45. Looking forward to all you have in store this week. Fun and informative!

  46. Such a cute Frankenstein card! I’m always looking for a good adhesive. Recently my fave was discontinued so I’m now in the market for the next “best”. Hope I get a chance to try some of these goodies!

  47. What a cute card – Who doesn’t need more adhesive !!!!

  48. more adhesive is always a good thing!

  49. I hope I win!! I need some new adhesive to keep me from coming unglued!!

  50. I love the card. ATG Gun is my favorite adhesive, but I am always looking for other things that work well too. Great giveaway!

  51. thanks for the ideas and articles on such a useful topic.

  52. very neat trick with the adhesive ‘strips’ … GREAT give away!

  53. I ALWAY need more adhesive–and the companies mentioned are always making NEW adhesives/containers or easier ways to use glue! LOVE IT! Thanks for this giveaway:) HOPE I WIN!!!

  54. Oh this week is so totally for me! And I am so excited to learn some creative methods for glue! Thank you for the giveaway!

  55. Thanks for the tips. Am looking forward to another tip.

  56. Great tips! Thanks!

  57. Love that cute Halloween card! Can’t wait for the rest of this week. I need to find a replacement for my beloved Dot-n-Roller!

  58. I need a new favorite, since my current fave is being discontinued. Would love to try some out!

  59. Looking forward to this week’s posts. I’m always overwhelmed by the adhesives section.

  60. Love the tips! Especially the one about using the scissor handles in place of an eraser! ~Bev~ aka Skeeter-OR

  61. love the frankenstein stitches!

  62. I love the stitching technique!

  63. This was one of my favorites in the October issue. I even have a post-it on the pages for future reference! Can’t wait to see what else is in store this week.

  64. Frankenstein is so cute! HeeHee!

  65. Thanks so much for all the info on adhesives-I’m in the market for a new one since the demise of the Dot’n’Roller!!!

  66. TFS the stitching techniques – and what a fantastic giveaway!

  67. Always on the hunt for the perfect adhesive! 🙂

  68. Love the idea! I’m always on the lookout for new ways to use adhesives. Thanks!

  69. I’m always afraid that glitter will be messy because the adhesive isn’t strong enough to keep it all in place. I’ll have to try it out sometime.

  70. I cant wait to see all of the cool tips and tricks for adhesives… Theres always so many things you can do with tools besides the obvious…

  71. I think finding good, affordable adhesives is about as challenging as finding a good paper cutter. I would love to try a bunch out to find the best one for me!

  72. I’ve been really thinking about the atg- but such a big commitment! I’d love to try out several & see what I like! (I’m excited to see what YOU all think!)

  73. Wow! Good adhesive tips are always welcome! I use unusable scraps to scrape away excess glue…

    Lovely to see the different kind of glues used for the same purpose… This is going to be a fun week!

  74. Great tips–love that stitching! Thanks for the chance to win.

  75. Great idea for faux stitching! Love the card!

  76. Thanks for the great ideas! And thanks for the chance too 🙂

  77. I love adhesive! I love learning of new ways to use it as well, Thank you for the tips!

  78. Great technique! Can’t wait to use it! Thanks!!

  79. thanks for the terrific ideas. i’m really looking forward to this week’s series. i’ve been thinking about trying some new adhesives.

  80. love the frankenstein. and who couldn’t use more adhesive. seems I always run out right at the wrong moment.

  81. I love adhesives. Thanks for the info. The Halloween card was super cute!

  82. Interesting topic, thanks!

  83. Thanks for sharing the scissor handle tip. And I’m scraplifting your adorable Frank card {just to let you know :)} Thanks so much for sharing!!

  84. Super cute card, Megan. Thanks for the chance to win such a great giveaway!

  85. Cute card! I am on the hunt for a new adhesive…would love to win!

  86. Can’t scrap without it, and I love having an assortment of it at all times!

  87. Love the stitches on Frank’s head! Can never have enough adhesive – thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  88. I would love to win a bag full of adhesive!
    Count me in

  89. I like the technique you use on the Frankenstein card.

  90. I saw the Frankenstein card on your blog and thought it was so creative!

  91. Thanks for the great tips!

  92. thanks for all the tips! love all these adhesives!!

  93. Fun ideas with how to use adhesives.
    I am currently trying to find a better adhesive, one that I really love. This prize would be a great way to try a bunch of different brands. Thanks for the opportunity!

  94. Love the give-a-ways. Thanks so much for the opportunity.

  95. Love the great ideas! I would love to try some new adhesives – so please pick me!

  96. Good Topic and timely as I am very unhappy with “improvements” made to my favorite adhesive. Looking for a new fav and would love to win to try some new stuff.

  97. What a cute idea! I’m always in need of adhesives, I would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity!

  98. Who doesn’t need more adhesives? Thanks for the chance to win!

  99. Yay! I love adhesives. I am looking forward to learning about different types… I only have a couple that I really really like. 🙂

  100. Love your faux stitching idea – it looks great!

  101. Great tips, THANKS!!!! Can’t wait for more. Everyone needs glue of some ( or all) types.

  102. Love the scissor trick and all the ideas. Thanks.

  103. Great tips, thanks for sharing!

  104. I love the tips for using glue around Frankenstein! Awesome. 🙂

  105. Great mag article. Keep up the good work! Thanks for thinking of us!

  106. Great tips! Thank you!

  107. ❤ Love Frank! He is so cute. I am afraid I wouldn't be able to keep the space between my stitches even, so I'll have to pratice! 🙂
    You know what they say…..Pratice Makes Perfect! Thank goodness there are no mistakes in papercrafting!

  108. Thanks for the tips! Since Kukoyu is no longer making my go-to choice for adhesive, I’m in the market for a new tape runner and I’m looking forward to this week on the blog.

  109. This is a wonderful topic to cover. I don’t think it matters how long you are working with crafts, we can all share ideas or tips on adhesives!

  110. I’m always looking for new adhesives! Thanks for the tips!

  111. Very cute card! Thanks for the chance to win.

  112. Very cute card. Looking forward to a weeks worth of tips.

  113. Some great ideas with the adhesives, but I’ve ruined the roller in a quickie glue pen a few times by getting glitter in it so do you have any tips?

  114. That Frankenstein card is adorable!

  115. Great tips. Thanks!

  116. I love these ideas! Thanks so much! I am excited to try them…maybe on Christmas cards.

  117. good tips!! thanks

  118. I’m looking forward to the week of tips on adhesives. Love the idea of the glue pen and glitter to make “stitches”!

  119. oh, yeah, count me in! Can never have enough adhesives! cute stitches idea on the monster head.

  120. These are such helpful tips! Thanks so much.

  121. Thanks for the great ideas…and the chance to win some adhesives! (Thats the one thing I always seem to need!)

  122. love frankenstein! And who can’t use some great adhesive? thanks for the giveaway!

  123. Great tips! Thanks!

  124. Thanks for the chance to win!

  125. Great giveaway! Frank is adorable. 🙂

  126. thanks for the tips! you can never have enough adhesive 🙂

  127. Thanks so much for the ideas!! Thank you for a chance to win some adhesives-I am almost out of mine!!

  128. Great post, I can always use adhesive as I run a volunteer scrapbook therapy group at my local hospital.

  129. Love the tips, especially the stitching technique!

  130. Love Frank’s forehead!

  131. Adhesives Week what fun. This is a great idea. Megan I love this card and its a great use of adhesive. I have never seen adhesive strips that thin (who makes it? )

  132. This is going to be a great week!
    I’m always struggling to fing the right adhesive.

  133. One can never have enough adhesive. That’s for sure. thanks for a chance to win.

  134. thanks for the tips! I am looking for new adhesive since mine has been discontinued!

  135. Thanks for doing this,
    Thanks for all that you do
    CK is my constant source for creativity

    Thank You Thank You Thank You Thank You
    Thank you

  136. OHH l just love that pen stitching idea! What a great idea thank-you!

  137. great tips. tnx so much for the chance to win.

  138. love to see all the creative suggestions. have to admit i’m a tacky glue fan, it works in so many situations.

  139. I love and always need glue for my paper crafting. Thanks for the chance!! 😀

  140. Thanks for the great ideas!!

  141. It looks like we use a lot of the same adhesive! Thanks for this helpful post!

  142. Thanks a bunch CK for the giveaways this week! You’re always so generous to us!

  143. Cute Card!

  144. “Frank” is sooo cute. Thanks for the great ideas!

  145. Frank’s stitching is too cool. I love the idea of using my glue pen in a new way. Thanks for the chance to win!

  146. ❤ the tips……….thanks for sharing

  147. Thank You for the Great tips and a chance to win some great products!

  148. who couldn’t use adhesive!!! and i am so loving the Frankenstein!!

  149. Love that Frankenstein card…too cute!

  150. great tips !

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