All Aboard! It’s Time for CK’s CHA Cute Booth Tour

02/04/2010 at 4:00 am | Posted in General Inspiration, product | 166 Comments
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Tickets. Tickets, please. This is the CHA Express, and we’re ready to embark on the 2010 Cute Booth Tour. This CHA, each of the CK editors in attendance (Brittany, Joannie, Kim, and I) selected our favorite happy places and captured short videos of some of the booth highlights. Plus, we added one bonus booth, simply because we couldn’t resist including one more dose of show-floor bliss. So grab yourself a seat near the window, and get ready to see some of the cutest booths on the CHA block. All aboard!

Stop #1: The Girls’ Paperie, Joannie McBride’s pick

This sweetie-pie place is full handmade paper delights, including paper garlands, the sweetest little street of houses you’ll ever encounter, and a special guided tour by Ms. Margie Romney-Aslett, the creative talent behind this new line!

Stop #2: Unity Stamp Co., Megan Hoeppner’s pick

As you likely know, I’m a bit of a bird nerd. So when I saw the stuffed bluebird perched on the picket fence in this wonderland, I knew instantly that it had my vote.

Stop #3: Couture Cardstock, Brittany Beattie’s pick

One look at this amazing booth and you’ll fall in love with your cardstock all over again. This impressive location was adorned with incredible cardstock creations, including dresses, shoes, and even an Eiffel Tower.

Stop #4: Graphic 45, Kim Jackson’s pick

Step back in time with this vintage hot spot and discover the limitless possibilities for transforming just about anything from old to new with little more than a sheet of debonair paper.

Stop #5: Pink Paislee, a group bonus pick

There’s no way we could leave out this bright spot out of our Cute Booth Tour. It’s packed with handmade pizzazz. From stitched chicken wire to a charming sitting area, this place was definitely worth visiting.

Well, that concludes the Cute Booth Tour for this show. Did you have a nice time? What spot(s) captured your heart? Rather than leave your tour guide a tip, we’d love to have you leave your feedback in the form of a comment by Monday, February 8, 2010. And the tip may end up being yours, as we’re giving away a fabulous CHA prize package from Jillibean Soup to one lucky tour attendee. Check the “Giveaways” tab on Tuesday, February 9 to see if you’re our winner.

Now, exit to your left and watch your step. We want to see you back on this tour bus again next CHA.

Megan Hoeppner, creative editor


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  1. I couldn’t pick just one thing! What an inspiration. Having walked the floors of a trade show I know how badly your feet must hurt and I noticed the thoughtful chairs in the Pink Paislee booth :}} Kudos to them for providing a place to rest!

  2. I always find it interesting to look for common themes, discern what’s hot right now. What I saw was muted colors, all with a hint of grey (assuming that’s not just my monitor) and a lot of paper flowers.

    Fun tour, thanks.

  3. So adorable and so inspiring. Wish I could have been there. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Wow they are all fabulous! I think if I had to pick just one it might be the couture cardstock.

  5. So hard to choose just one, but I guess I’ll go with Pink Paislee. But everyone of those booths is just a scrapbook dream.

  6. Loved the Pink Paislee place and the chicken wire. Looks like what’s old is new again.

  7. Thanks so much for letting us visit with you–the ticket was worth the price!!

    Loving the Girl’s Paperie–but has there been any I haven’t liked? NO!

  8. I love The Girls’ Paperie!

  9. I am so excited about the Girls Paperie line after seeing Megan’s video. I can’t wait until it is in my LSS!

  10. I love Pink Paisley!

  11. Just LOVE all of the papers. It’s a girls dream come true. Thanks for the chance to win.

  12. Loved the tour. Next best thing to being there is seeing all the videos. My fav is the couture paper. Just seeing it is motivating.

  13. Lots of funn stuff! … i love Margie’s and pink paislees booths 🙂

  14. I loved the Pink Paislee window with all the tags.

  15. Those are all great. Lots of cute new stuff.

  16. Thanks for sharing…love the Pink Paisley!

  17. So fun to see what’s new and upcoming!

  18. Luv the new stuff! Can’t wait to see it all at my local scrapbooking store!

  19. that tree at unity looks SO cool!

  20. Love the Girls’ Paperie and Pink Paislee the most! 🙂

  21. I am a sucker for paper:) thanks for giving us a peek!

  22. All the stops were great! So fun to see what’s our there without aching feet! Thanks for sharing.

  23. looks so cute!!

    Megan P

  24. I loved the Pink Paislee booth and the great paper! I also thought the tree and bird in the Unity Stamp Co. booth were cute.

  25. I just wish I could have been there myself!
    That tree looks awesome!

  26. I love the Unity Stamp booth!! Of course I am biased cause I get their stamp kit and wish I could have more!!

  27. Love it!

  28. wow, the people at Couture Cardstock are so talented! I just love all the things they made out of paper!!

  29. I think the Girl’s Paperie booth speaks to me the most but love the Graphic 45 booth and papers, too!

  30. There was sooooooooooo much great products that there is no way to pick one favorite!

  31. Loved the tour. Stop 1 caught my heart, The Girls’ Paperie range is beautiful & those little houses are adorable 🙂

  32. What fun! Thanks for the great tour! Love all the little details in the booths.

  33. Great tour! Wish I could have been there myself!
    What captured my heart? (And eye?) I really love those little houses. Gotta have me some! ;0)

  34. You have great taste…you picked some of my favorites, but I really loved Pink Paislee’s booth!

  35. I love the Girls Paperie booth Can’ wait to get my hands on some of that product!

  36. The Ranger booth … the Melt Art installations? Fabulous!

  37. I loved all of the booths, I can’t pick just one. My brain is a- whirl with ideas for home decor. Those booths have so much creativity in them. Yeah for paper!

  38. Thanks for helping feel like we were there at CHA with you! Loved the videos! My favorite was Pink Paisley! Beautiful stuff!

  39. I can’t wait to get my hands on some Pink Paisley stuff! Thanks for the tour 🙂

  40. They were all pretty cute … but I think I have to go with Pink Paislee as the cutest of the cute!

  41. Unity Stamp Co and Pink Paislee are definitely 2 of my faves this year!

  42. thanks for the great tour!

  43. Couture Cardstock, such an inspiration!

  44. Oh, that Unity Stamp booth with the mail box and that tree. So wonderful and homey! Wish I could have seen it in person.

  45. thanks for the awesome tour! I love Graphic 45!

  46. Wow–thanks for the mahvelous tour dahlings! I loved them all–and I sort of fell for that bluebird and tree, so cute! But they all looked terrific, just wish I could go and check out all the fun stuff!

  47. Thanks for the cute tour! It’s like being at CHA without leaving my office! (sort of…) 😉

  48. Pink Paislee, definitely they are my fav!

  49. From all the pictures I’ve seen, I know the Ranger booth and the Studio Calico booth would have been favorites for me!

  50. PINK PAISLEE is my FAVE!

  51. Great tour! I’d already heard a buzz about Pink Paislee’s products and seen peeks of their booth – and to see it on your tour, the buzz was worth it. But I hadn’t heard/seen anything about Couture Cardstock – and how awesome were their displays – paper shoes and an Eiffel tower even! Thanks for bringing them to our attention!!

  52. I thought the Unity booth was adorable, from the mailbox and white picket fence to the pillow flowers–all so adorable.

  53. I am so impressed with all the wonderful boothes you previewed. I have been checking out each clip I can find with most of the clips you showeed. They are most of my favorites. I love the antique, distressed and whimical and romantic style that is so popular right now.

  54. Thanks so much for showing these great booths! It is amazing to see what others go with their product for displaying. It is hard to pick but my favorite booth was The Girls’ Paperie. I loved the colors!

  55. In all the CHA pics I’ve seen, Girl’s Paperie and Pink Paislee keep catching my eye. Their booths here were great!

  56. All of the booths are amazing – so much creativity goes into making such fabulous booths! I’m loving the Girl Paperie’s booth.

  57. Thanks for the overview of the booths. I like the papers at Pink Paislee, Girls Paperie and Coutere Cardstock. These are the ones that I could use. Thanks for sharing.

  58. The Pink Paislee stuff looks so cool!

  59. I love Unity Stamp Co!

  60. Love the Graphic 45 booth! It totally inspires me to create more vintage-looking projects.

  61. cardstock is always a great pick because it’s soooo versitile!

  62. Wow! That was great, great job with your selections! I am partial to Unity – love the tree!
    Thanks for sharing!

  63. Girls’ Paperie… HANDS DOWN!

  64. ❤ the Pink Paislee both. Apparently they won the hearts of many of us!

  65. Gotta say I loved it all! But my favorite was the couture cardstock!! I mean what scrapper doesnt love a delicious new batch of cardstock? Its a scrappers staple!!

  66. Couture Cardstock was amazing! Definitely the most interesting! But I really want the Queen Bee collection from Pink Paislee–have become addicted to their lines!

  67. I love the puffy adorable tree & bluebird at the Unity booth… so stinkin ca-ute!

  68. my fave on the tour is Unity..what a fun way to see a little of waht must just be the most fun anywhere!

  69. Pink Paislee was my fav! 🙂

  70. I wish I could’ve been there for real!
    Pink Paislee has my pick!

  71. The Unity stamp booth was too cute. I love the tree and all of the kraft packages on display!

  72. Love the fun tours you gave us of the cute booths and gorgeous products! I have to say that the Girls Paperie is just screaming my name–but I see things I love from each of these featured manufacturers! Thanks for the chance at the Jillibean Soup prize–SO cute!

  73. Loving the Couture Cardstock booth! So much inspiration there! You’re right, I think I am falling in love with my CS all over again!

  74. It looks like so much fun to see it all! Wish I could have been there!! I love the Girls Paperie and that gorgeous tree! Amazing. Thanks for the chance to win!

  75. I must say that I love everything from CHA, time to unleash my pocket book! Who am I kidding, I’ve been pre-ordering nonstop, lol.

  76. I loved the Girls’ Paperie because I love the houses. But they were all fantastic! Thank you.


  77. i love it!! it’s almost as good as being there!! i loved unity stamp co and girl’s paperie.

  78. Loved the unity booth and Jillibean Soup paper !

  79. Loved the tour! You girls did a fantastoic job covering the highlights of CHA!

  80. I LOVED the Unity booth! It was so cute and everyone there was so nice!

  81. Oh wow….love Pink Paislee!!!

  82. The first tour stop made me feel like I was taking a step back in time! So heartwarming…love it!

  83. I have to agree with Joannie McBrides pick, the Girls Paperie. Margie’s new lines are simply fabulous!!

  84. All of them were definitely very cute, but I think I liked Pink Paislee the best! 😉

  85. Loved the tour, I really enjoyed Pink Paislees booth. Thanks for the chance to win!

  86. My favorite was stop #1, The Girls’ Paperie. So fresh and inspiring. Love it all!

  87. I’m loving the cardstock!

  88. I loved the videos…especially Couture Cardstock.

  89. I loved the Pink Paislee both. Just loved the feeling it gave.

  90. I think they were all very creative and cute but Pink Paislee was my top pick. Luv the shabby chic and their projects always shine!

  91. I loved seeing everyday objects recreated with paper in the Couture Cardstock booth at stop #3. Thank you for sharing all these exciting sights with us!

  92. Couture Cardstock for sure! WOw, amazing creations in paper no less. So inspiring! Thanks for the virtual tour.

  93. love the graphic 45!

  94. well, if I have to pick just one, I’m going to say Girl’s Paperie. I am so happy for Margie that her dream came to fruition and so beautifully!

  95. I would love to see how that topiary was done!! I can’t believe it was all paper! Loved it all!

  96. This was “almost” like being there! Thanks for the tour. Every booth looked like a lot of thought and imagination went into the presentations. If I had to choose one, it would be Unity. Loved the crisp clean look – fun and whimsical.

  97. its all about the paper – couture cardstock has my vote

  98. Margie is always adorable and the Girls Paperie was great! I want it all!

  99. I’m addicted to Unity’s kits and their booth was adorable, but I also loved seeing all the papers in the other booths!

  100. I love the Unity Stamp tree and flowers they made. So cute!! I also love the prizes from Pink Paislee. Adorable!

  101. I liked the puffy flowers and puffy tree in the Unity Stamp booth. Very cute!

  102. ahhhh, new product…you keep the addiction STRONG! 😀
    Love all the booths- you lucky girls to be there & lucky us to live vicariously!

  103. I loved the Unity Stamp Company booth. Loved the mailbox, the tree and the bluebird.

  104. I’m always partial to cute paper! thanks for the chance to win.

  105. Thanks for the tour. The Girls Paperie booth was my favorite.

  106. Love the Graphic 45 booth. Love the vintage stuff especially they include a more masculine display. Vintage doesn’t have to be all ribbon and lace.

  107. I think the Girls Paperie booth is adorable and all of the little houses are so creative.

  108. My absolute favorite was the Couture Cardstock. I love all the items they made out of it.

  109. Loved the Pink Paislee.

  110. Takes for the tour! I love the puffy tree in the Unity Stamp booth and I keep hearing great things about Couture Paper. I need to order me some of their stuff!

  111. thank you sooo much for the tour-so inspiring! love the Graphic 45-can’t stop looking!

  112. Couture Cardstock was my favorite because of the adorable shoes! OMG how clever they are! Shoes, never too many cute shoes….

  113. Wish I could be there!

  114. Love the tour! Thanks for sharing!

  115. I love the Graphic 45 display. It makes me want to decorate my home in that style. Can’t wait to get a hold of all of this stuff for my scrapbooks.

  116. Thanks for the tour. I liked Pink Paislee the best.

  117. Thanks for an awesome tour, I will haev to say Pink Paislee really tugged at my heart strings…

  118. I have really enjoyed looking at all the amazing new products by some pretty amazing designers. Margie’s booth though is one of my faves!

  119. These booths look amazing! I think I would go into sensory overload at one of these shows!!

  120. Loved the couture cardstock.

  121. I just found out about these tours. Thank you for doing them. Hope to sit down this wkend and check them out.

  122. I’m totally in love with the Pink Paislee Queen Bee Line so pretty!

  123. Hard to pick, but overall I’m a Cosmo girl. That’s the one I buy complete collections of.

  124. I loved them all, but I would have to say that my favourite was the Girls Paperie. I am not a girlie Girl crafter but I just love this line. Those little houses were so sweet and the garland was to die for.

  125. Thanks for the tours. I particularly like Pink Paislee. Great giveaway-I am a fan of Jillibean Soup and would love to win some.

  126. Wow! Talk about over stimulation! I’d need about a week to recover from all of that inspiration! I especially love the Girls Paperie, and Jillibean too!

  127. I love Graphic 45’s booth! i am so impressed with all these booths, though – I can’t even imagine the time that must have went into setting them up!

  128. Have never been to a CHA but seeing the videos helps imagine what it would be like. Winning a prize would be so much fun!

  129. I want to see more! I know it wasn’t part of the tour, but I can’t wait for the American Crafts Dear Lizzy line!

  130. I am really into Vintage now. I am very impressed with the beautiful flowers made from scrapbook papers.

  131. Thanks again for the videos from CHA. I absolutely love everything I’ve seen this year, especially Graphic 45 and Pink Paislee. They are my faves anyway.

  132. Thanks for the tour! I love Pink Paislee!

  133. Love Margie and her PAPERIE! ❤

  134. I love seeing all the booths and their new products. What a fun mini tour for us. Wish we were there!

  135. I can’t pick just one booth. They were all so adorable. I’ve never had the chance to go to a show like that, so it was nice to have some snap shots of what I’ve missed. Thanks a ton!

  136. Thanks for the tour, made me feel like I was there (almost) Loved all the creative ideas, wow– makes me feel inspired. My daughter could use some of the flower ideas for her new room!

  137. Thanks for the cute booth tour. I wish I’d been able to see CHA in person. It looks like so much fun! I love the paper shoes that were displayed in the booths. Those are clever and really beautiful. The creativity is overwhelming!

  138. I want everything in the pink paislee booth! wow! I think the yellow/black and white line were my favorite. Can’t wait to get all of it 🙂

  139. All of these were fabulously cute!!! Wish I could’ve been there. Loved that Unity tree and the window!!

  140. Oh, the Pink Paislee booth is definitely my favorite!

  141. looove Unity’s booth 😀

  142. I love the puffy tree! I want to do one in my home!

  143. The vintage florals are my favorites! Love all the inspiration from CHA.

  144. Thanks for the tour…love all the new stuff being released!!!

  145. Oh my gosh, I LOVED every single one of those booths! I have to say that the Unity booth tree was stunning and it felt like you were in a happy fairy tale…I want one just like that! Thanks for such a fun tour and for allowing those of us who couldn’t attend, a chance to take all that inspiration in! Yay!

  146. Cute Booth Tour….Joannie, Thank You! Unity booth, only because it was on my “stop and see list”, very talented ladies we are in our craft world!

  147. Thanks for the ride! It was almost like I was there (wish I really was!). I love seeing all the new releases. 🙂

  148. Wow! They are all so beautiful. I really enjoyed the puffy tree and blue bird at the Unity Stamp booth! Thanks for sharing all these great tours!

  149. What a fun Cute Booth tour. Made me feel like I was there. I really liked the Graphic 45 tour, because I love the vintage feel. Thanks for sharing all the fun.

  150. Thanks for the tour. I have to say the Unity Stamp booth was the cutest in my opinion!

  151. Thank you for the tour!. Graphic 45 is it! I wish I was there and thanks for the tour.

  152. very cute. love unity.

  153. The Girls’ Paperie has some very cool stuff. Would love to see it all in person some day, but since I couldn’t be there, thanks for the CHA tour!
    Jillibean Soup is a favorite, and I would be thrilled to win a prize of their stuff!

  154. Beautiful stuff, very inspiring!!!
    Love Jillibean!

  155. Wow!! I loved it all, but one thing that really stood out a lot was the tree at Unity Stamp Co …. I love circles & the colors were fabulous!!!
    And I am a huge lover of Jillibean Soup …. everything is so yummy 🙂

  156. The Girls’ Paperie looks fabulous! So new and fresh! Thanks for the chance to win – Jillibean is one of my favourites!

  157. These new items are all so cool! I really can’t wait to lay my hands of them and start creating!!!

  158. Thank you for showing these videos. The booth that captured my attention was Couture cardstock. I just thought how awesome ways we can use cardstock. It was really nice to see it.

  159. its so fun to see all the cuteness!! It is really inspiring!

  160. Thanks for the tour and all of the great eye candy!

  161. Thanks for pointing out these great finds! I love The Girls’ Paperie!!!

  162. I love the Couture Cardstock booth. I love everything about cardstock!

  163. Thanks for the tours and a chance to win some Soup!

  164. Loved them all. THis was fun to see more of the booths almost like being there. Thanks!

  165. :)*******I enjoyed the view of all the “Cute Booth Tour” for this show. Yes, i had a great time viewing the booths. Although I would rather have been their!! The one i really liked was the vintage look. My house is decorated in antiques. All kinds, it’s fun having a style you don’t have to dust LOL. I was told the dustier it gets the better it looks!! Well, I can’t have too much dust I scrapbook.*******:)

  166. I love Paislee Press! Thanks for showing us your favorite spots!

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