Happy April Fool’s Day!

04/01/2010 at 11:12 am | Posted in Holidays, Uncategorized | 54 Comments
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April Fool’s Day is traditionally marked by committing practical jokes or sending friends, family, or co-workers on fools’ errands. But there’s no jokes or fools’ errands on the CK blog today. Instead, we’re giving you a couple of quick, fun, practical techniques, plus a chance to win a fabulous prize.

To start, did you know that you can mix flock colors to come up with completely new custom-made flock colors? No joke! Watch this great tutorial from Stampendous on how it’s done. (Note: Watching the video will take longer than creating great new colors.)

After you’ve checked out that great technique, take a look at this one. It’s probably the best thing we’ve seen in a long time!

Now, before you go off to create some fantastic layouts using these fun new techniques, leave us a comment about your favorite part of April Fool’s Day, the best joke you’ve ever played, or how you plan to use one of these great techniques. Next Monday, April 5, I’ll randomly pick five readers from the comments we receive to win the book “Snippets: Mostly True Tales from the Lighter Side of Scrapbooking.

Happy April 1st!

Lara Penrod, managing editor


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  1. My favorite part of April Fool’s is that it’s my uncle’s birthday, and we love to joke with him about that “coincidence!”

    My most successful April Fool’s “prank” was convincing a group of friends to help me look for my “lost contact” when I didn’t even wear corrective lenses at the time. I had 10 of them on their hands and knees searching for it when one of them noticed I’d stopped “looking” and was just standing there, watching them all, with an amused look on my face. Suffice it to say, it was a short-lived ‘victory” since you know what they say: “Paybacks are a b**ch.”

  2. I am sooo bad at April Fool’s jokes…but my daughter loves to try them out. I helped her fool her dad once with a “grilled cheese” which was actually grilled pound cake with yellow icing. He actually bought it for a brief time. We love the food jokes!

  3. I just love April 1st… the start of a new month and warmer weather is upon us 🙂 YEAH!

  4. I’m not such a big fan of April Fool’s Day, but I am so excited that spring has arrived! And I’ve had my eye on “Snippets” since I heard about it a couple months ago!

  5. Let’s just say I’ll definitely be sharing the second link with some of my friends today! Hadn’t heard of that technique before.

  6. One year I convinced my husband that there was a mouse under a pile of laundry in our bedroom…. he stomped that laundry for awhile and looked under it to find a stuffed mickey mouse… he was not amused, but I laughed myself silly! …still tickled about it actually!

  7. My favorite part about toady is the fun it brings to my 7 year old son. After his Birthday and Christmas I think April Fool’s Day is my son’s favorite day of the year. He has been planning this day for weeks!! He was so excited to take his tricks to school and try them out on his friends.

  8. When I was attending college in another state, I called my parents on Thanksgiving while I was standing on their front porch. They had no idea I had come to visit!

  9. April Fool’s day brings fresh new ideas as it represents the change of seasons. The day tugs at my desire to pull out all of my flower stamps, bright colored inks and create lots of fresh new things ! I can’t wait to hit my local store and see all the new things for spring, and they always have a cute special…this year we get to pick an egg for additional discounts ! ( Oh and the practical jokes are fun to ! )

  10. I have to admit I’ve never been a fan of the 1st, or the entire month, mostly because my name is April… I use to get to stay home from school on the 1st so I wouldn’t get picked on. One year my own parents woke me up to tell me about a HUGE spider in the pool that I HAD to look at. I went to look and somehow got pushed in the pool.. not funny.

  11. My favorite one was when our we turned out teachers desk upside down but pulled the drawers first so they wouldn’t get messed up…he however didn’t check and when they flipped the desk. For some reason he found it hilarious that we would think of that but that he didn’t.

  12. I once worked in a stuffy CPA office but we put together some of the most hialrious April Fools Day newsletters! My most memorable one ws a full memo to the staff, talking about all of the improvements made in the restrooms (doors that woulf fly open automatically once your alloted time had elapsed, paper dispensers that would limit you to 3 squares, etc.) all to improve efficiency and cut costs. It was done in a very believable fashion!

  13. My best April fool’s joke wad played on my now stepfather. I made him think he won a trip to the place he wanted to golf the most. It was complete with a winners letter in the mail and a fake person to call and confirm. I had my now husband change his answering machine message to be the person he needed to contact. After he left the message, my husband called him back, in a fake voice, and asked him a series if questions. After they were done my husband called back and said he forgot to tell him something…April Fool’s! It was great.

  14. I’m not very creative at coming up with April Fools jokes not to mention I’m horrible at keeping a straight face. Tonight though I’m makeing Colorful Cupcakes which is meatloaf baked in cupcake liners with colored mashed potatoes (frosting) on top. Dh already knows what it is and I’m wondering what dd well think.

  15. I’m not a good April Fool’s pranker but I’d love to win this book! No foolin’ there!! 🙂

  16. My daughter called me to say she was pregnant!! (and she wasn’t) I was so angry that I wasn’t getting a grandbaby after all!!

  17. My favorite part about april fools day is that is spring! and it is my husband who plays the jokes on me! so right now is all good! and I would love to be the winner pick me!

  18. I think the biggest prank that I ever played was switching my co-workers water bottle. He put it in the cooler to keep it cold. Instead of water, I put in vinegar! Oh the face on him when he went to take a sip!

  19. I don’t like to be embarrassed nor do I enjoy seeing other people being embarrassed so those kinds of pranks are not #1 on my list. Jokes, on the lighter side, that don’t make a fool of anyone are just fine!

  20. I almost always forget that it’s April Fool’s Day….but I can only remember twice that I have taken part in the day’s traditions. In both 1998 and 2001 I was pregnant on April 1st…and due April 30th and April 16th respectively. Both years, my husband and I went to the hosptial and called our parents to tell them I was in labor. A few hours later, we called to let them know that I gave birth, with name, time, weight and length. We even had the nurses in on the joke. It was pretty impressive, until my parents showed up with toys and flowers. Boy, were they upset.

  21. I am a teacher and I love to “April Fools” the kids. My best prank was during recess. Recess is 30 minutes long. But on this day, I blew the whistle to line up after about 10 minutes. The kids were walking by me complaining that recess was short and it couldn’t be over yet. I just told them that time flies when they are having fun. When all the kids had lined up to go in, I shouted “April Fools” and we all had a good laugh. I then told the kids to go back and enjoy the rest of recess.

  22. The funniest prank was not one that I did but one that I witnessed. My Aunt called my mom to say that she was in labor. My mom hung up the phone and went back to unpacking (we had finally moved into our first home). When my Uncle called to say that my Aunt was screaming for my mom, that was when she realized that it wasn’t an April Fool’s joke! We still laugh that my Mom almost missed my little cousin Blaine’s birth.

  23. my dad was a great prankster especially on april 1st. he died 9 years ago today. (how fitting.) his favorite joke was getting us up early and telling us we was late for school. i stick to safe pranks. like telling someone they have a hole in there pants.

  24. I really don’t do alot of pranks but always seem to fall for them :(my sister just emailed me she was moving to La Vegas….she is not!! But I bought it!

  25. Best April fools joke I’ve ever played was on a supervisor at work. We sell birds and I called him, crying, (fake) telling him I didn’t know a $2000 bird’s wing feathers had grown back and he could fly. I was walking with him through the store and he got startled and flew up into the rafters of the store, into 18 foot high rafters. I played the crying/sorry part very well. He stammered a bit and said he would call me back, so I hung up the phone and then immediately redialed him. He picked up and I said “Oh, I forgot one thing”, of course he asked what and I screamed “APRIL FOOLS”… He slammed the phone down on me, he was so mad. But now we just laugh about it.

  26. My favorite part of April Fool’s day is that it gives everyone a chance to be silly. Even those of us who normally take life pretty seriously are able to let loose and have a little silly fun!

  27. Love that second technique, so clever!!!


  28. I never really got into April 1st jokes…but today I saw our Pastor and his wife hide money around their house for their kids to find. Like a dollar bill in the toilet paper…or dishwasher…under the trash can….one of the kids found a bill in the dishwasher and said, “Oh man–why did someone wash this? How annoying!”. HA! He didn’t even get it!

  29. i told my young nieces and nephews that i was moving to another state, their shocked faces were priceless!

  30. I don’t really know of any April Fool’s memories. I guess we are not big pranksters in our family. Once my brother tried to short sheet my bed but I am so short I didn’t notice.

  31. I am not really a clever jokster but my husband gets me every year! He called this morning after he left for work to tell me he was broken down on the interstate and needed me to come get him. of course by the time I had the kids all dressed and loaded up, he called back to tell me, “by the way, April Fools!”

  32. Loved the practical jokes as a kid like switching the salt, Pepper and sugar. I loved Google being Topeka today!! We wired our boss (who was vacationing in Hawaii) telling him that everything was OK now! There was no previous telegram. He didn’t think it was funny!

  33. Oh now I so want to mix my own personal colors of flock. The possabilities are endless!! Thanks for the ideas. And that snowman card was adorable  keep up the inspiration I enjoy everyones additional ideas!! Have a Happy Easter 

  34. Not a fan of April Fools, but I would love a copy of that book!

  35. My kids are older but once my husband put on a scary old man mask from Halloween and woke the boys up in the morning on April Fool’s. That was funny. I actually liked the Muppets video for a great part of my April 1st day.
    thanks for sharing it.

  36. Love the warmer weather! Thanks fo rthe chance to win!

  37. Dude! That second technique is amazing — y’all should go check it out! This morning, I served my husband his usual cup of coffee — well, almost usual. It was frozen! There was just enough fresh on top to mask it…I laughed more than he did (morning comes early at our house!)

  38. No personal experience to add, but I liked Topeka changing its’ name to Google and Google changing its’ name to Topeka. Catchy!

  39. Not really so good with April Fools Day, but the link to the second technique was interesting……

  40. Love the second technique!!!

  41. My son got me this year. He is on Spring Break now,and he tells me, Mom, I forgot my Math book and I have Math homework.” I tell him the school is locked we can’t get there, maybe he could borrow one from a friend. He then says, “April Fools.”

  42. I love all the jokes us adults play on one another at work….boy some of them were good yesterday!!! People who wouldn’t use milk with food coloring, I just have to laugh….it is still milk 😉

    that E-I-E-I-O line is just too cute…I will have to snatch that up as soon as I find it!

  43. I have to say, I really enjoyed the Google page yesterday regarding Topeka and the Vowel Outage!

  44. When I was a kid, I rubber banded the sprayer on the kitchen sink and then when my mom turned it on, she got sprayed!

    ps-LOVE that second technique!

  45. I made my kids (almost 2 and 3 1/2) and husband a not what it looks like supper. Pie (that was really meatloaf and mashed potatoes), pizza (frosted cookie), and juice (jello with fruit). So fun!

  46. We were pretty boring at our house this year…no one tried any jokes on anyone. But my 7 year old daughter kept trying at school and was disappointed when people wouldn’t believe her 🙂

  47. Like that second technique! Thanks for the chance to win!

  48. My favorite part of April Fools is when our young girls try to “trick” us. My six year old must have told me at least six times that my shoes were untied.

  49. I’m not a prankster at all- but 5 years ago, my water broke a little early- I thought THAT was an april fool’s joke- but I ended up with the most precious thing in my worls- my sweet daughter! 😀

  50. I dont do any april’s fool jokes but I started scanning the book at a store and it’s sooo funny! would love to win!

  51. I just bought my first bottle of flock – yellow to use to create tennis ball accents. I look forward to adding more colors and being able to create my own. Thanks for the tip!

  52. I was reading a local small town newspaper last night and this one story threw me for a loop. It was titled new monorail system to replace bike trail. It was the weirdest thing I’d ever read. After showing it to my husband and quite frankly feeling alittle irritated by it, I noticed a joker head under the last line. It was all an April Fools joke. I got taken by a complete stranger! I couldn’t help but laugh. Talk about going to great lengths to pull a prank.

  53. I’m using that flock tip to make some custom chicks to match my son’s Easter outfits! What a great idea-why didn’t I think of that? 🙂

  54. I like to mess with the clock in my teenager’s room to make him think it’s later than it is! (Yes, it’s mean, but he needs to get up anyway!)

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