CHA Wrap-Up: Day 6

08/15/2009 at 9:00 am | Posted in Insider's Look | 74 Comments
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meganToday is bittersweet for me. I’m not going to lie when I say that I’m slightly relieved to be giving you a break from my on-camera self. There’s only so much Meg-behind-the-camera a person can stand before it’s time to take a rest. But, I’m also sad to see our CHA festivities come to a close. I’ve had a blast sharing a little of our show experience with you, and I love, love, LOVE reading your thoughts after each post. You’ve had so many great ideas and suggestions to share. Thanks for taking the time to provide your thoughts.

Okay, so I imagine the daily giveaways probably had a little something to do with some of you sharing, and that’s okay. We’re not above bribing for information every now and then. 😉 Plus, we’re delighted to share some of the CHA goodies with those of you who are selected as our lucky winners.


Winners will be posted under the “Giveaway” tab of this blog on Monday, so you have until Sunday, August 16 at 11:59 PM MT to post comments on any of our CHA posts, including this one, to qualify.

IMPORTANT: We do not contact winners directly. Instead, we ask that you contact us. So please, check that tab for your name. I can’t tell you how many prizes have gone unclaimed because we haven’t heard back from our lucky folks. Tie a string around that creative finger of yours and make a note to check the tab on Monday (probably in the late morning, as I’ll need time to select my winners and post them when I get in on Monday). Thanks!

Let’s conclude our CHA adventures with some highlight photos. Here are a few of the bright spots on our CHA trail this time around:

Check out some of the amazing project ideas spotted on the show floor.

Like this one from Bella Blvd. Aren’t the bright colors fun?



Giddyup! This page found in the Karen Foster Design booth has some real cowgirl appeal!


How cool is the masking on this mini album found at the Hambly booth?



It was tea time in the Pink Paislee booth.



This mini album from Prima brings out the happy child within.



Just as this layout suggests, it was all good in the Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker booth.


Christmas came early in the Bazzill booth. I L-O-V-E that green pompom tree. What a festive idea!




CHA wouldn’t be CHA without the new-product overload. Here’s just a small sampling of the treats that  caught our eyes. 

As a self-described bird nerd, all of these stamps from Hampton Art Stamps have me hooting and hollering with happiness.



Thanks to the new line of storage products from Doodlebug, organizing has never been cuter.



My heart skipped a beat when I came across these newest flowers from Prima.



These frosted accents from Maya Road have real character.



Our camera doesn’t do the intricate details of these Paper Wizard accents justice. They’re amazing!



Really, so much of the magic of CHA lies in the presentation. Take a look at these stylish approaches.

The fine folks at October Afternoon displayed some of their sassy projects on this cool looking tree.



Tim Holtz’s style is all over these awesome displays found in the Advantus booth.



Our friends at Jillibean Soup weren’t chicken. They displayed their products prominently on wire. Fun!



7gypsies hung their beautiful paper with ribbon. Wouldn’t something like this look pretty hanging on the wall in your craft room?


Leave it to the creativity of scrapbookers to turn their favorite scrap elements into stylish wears.


The fashionistas at Jenni Bowlin turned chipboard buttons into bubbly bracelets.



Look at this necklace, created from a Sizzix die. Isn’t it stunning? Fashion-Sizzix


The beauties at Bella Blvd. made a canvas bag bloom using their new flowers. Fashion-Bella


If you look closely at this purse, you’ll see that part of it is made of Prima packaging. How’s that for resourceful? Fashion-Prima


In need of a Halloween costume this year? You could always make yourself a paper witch hat like this cute number from Pink Paislee.



All week you’ve been leaving fantastic questions in the comments section of our blog. Here are answers to a few of those:

 Q. Love the new boxes from Scrapsessories! I was packing up last night for a crop and was whining about how I didn’t have anything to keep my paints and stickles in for easy travel (yes they are in plastic storage bags right now). Can we order these yet?! -Kristyn G.

A. Great question. Our friends at ScrapCessories have a list of where you can purchase their innovative products on their website. And, Daphne, the smart brain behind this product, actually left a comment on our blog, letting you know that the Stickles and paint containers will be released soon. Thanks for visiting and sharing that info, Daphne.

Q. Yes… what percentage of the show is scrapbooking? What about other crafts and hobbies? Do y’all ever “cross over” into the other crafting arenas for ideas that fit with papercrafting? Just curious. -Angmomof3

A. You know, Ang, this show was a little unusual. In years past, there has been a good balance of scrapbooking and other crafts. Since the scrapbooking industry took off in popularity, the show has always had more scrapbooking than “other,” but the balance was still good. This show, on the other hand, was very scrapbooking heavy. There were booths with other crafts at the show, but they were few and far between. I’d say maybe 5% of this show was “other.” And, yes, we do cross over into other industries. I love using yarn, beads, fabric and paint on my pages, and you’ll oftentimes see pages with multiple mediums in our magazine. Thanks for asking and showing interest.

Q. The thought of all that scrappy (and other crafty) goodness in one spot – how do you manage to cope without sensory overload?! -Margot/NZ

A. You hit the nail on the head, Margot. “Sensory overload” is definitely what happens at CHA. There are SO many wonderful things to see, feel and take in. We tend to cope by taking lots of pictures (and video) and plenty of notes. Plus, we always gather catalogs from each company. Having these things to go back to after the show makes it easier to remember everything and take it all in.

Thanks for all of the fantastic questions!

To conclude this CHA party, I wanted to share a little video of our CHA CK contributor lunch. I adore spending time with the talented women behind some of the designs you see in the magazine and thought you’d like getting a little time with them as well.

Thanks for welcoming me into your . . . computers this week. I hope you’ve had as much fun as I have reliving (or experiencing or the first time) some of our memorable CHA moments. We look forward to spending time like this with you this winter when CHA Winter rolls around. In the meantime, watch for your favorite CHA finds to appear in upcoming issues of CK.

Megan Hoeppner, Creative Editor  

P.S. Any comments go this time. Thanks for sharing!


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  1. Wow, you’ve done an amazing job showcasing TONS of stuff from CHA. I feel like I was there now! I really like all of the mini albums and unusual uses for scrapbooking supplies. Thanks, you guys rock!

  2. Oh, the Maya Road sheers are adorable!

  3. Wow, fantastic! You’ve done a fabulous job with everything! I just want to go shopping now 🙂

  4. Loved the recap!!!!

  5. Thanks for the sampling of products–loved the bird stamps you showed today!

  6. Thanks for the wonderful week. I wish I could have attended but unfortunately I couldn’t due to work obligations. I have enjoyed having the show a little each day and it gave me time to watch everything!

  7. Thank you so much for all the beautiful photos today and for sharing CHA moments with me all week! Makes me feel a little bit like I was there and makes me excited about all the new produuct coming soon (hopefully) to a store near me!!! TFS

  8. thanks for sharing!
    i would love to win!

  9. Thanks for sharing this with us! I hope I get to go someday! 😀

  10. Love the jewelry and home decor ideas– especially the holiday decorations! Thanks for taking us along for the ride!

  11. Thank for sharing–I’m in love with those Jillibean embellishments.

  12. Cute little video! It is nice to see faces that go with all the names in the magazine.

  13. All I can say is all this makes me want to shop!! 😉

  14. OhmiGOSH I am head over heels for those bird stamps!! And those flowers on the Bella Blvd bag; to die for. What cute stuff!

  15. very cool. thanks for the fun video at the end 🙂 cool to see some of the ladies in person.

  16. Thanks for sharing all of this. I can’t wait to get my hands on some of this new stuff!

  17. I love the new Prima flowers and the teapot mini!
    Thanks for sharing!

  18. oh my goodness!! I’ve loved reading all your posts, I feel like I was there, but so sad I wasn’t 🙂 It’s all so awesome!!

  19. LOVE IT ALL!!! thanks for the wrap ups 😀 it’s almost like i was there 😉

  20. Thanks for a great week-I’ve gotten so many new ideas!

  21. I love the idea of using scrapbooking products for jewellery. What great ideas! Thanks for all the picture posts…love seeing all the displays in the booths.

  22. Nothing says Halloween like that Pink Paislee hat. I’d love that in my entry way. Any chance they would share some directions?

  23. loved the features this week! thanks!

  24. wow such great stuff. Needless to say I am going to have rearrange my budget cause I am going to need some money to purchase these nice things.

  25. Thanks for all the coverage of the show. Next best thing to being there 🙂

  26. Thank YOU for all the pictures and videos this week! Next best thing to being there…and it sounds like being there was truly fabulous! 🙂

  27. I saw Nikki’s line when she was developing it and now here it is being mentioned on your blog. How exciting! Thanks for the behind the scenes on all of the goings on at CHA!

  28. Thanks for the chance to win some amazing things.

  29. Megan, thank you sooooo much for sharing your self this week! Love the p paisley witch hat, meet the peeps video and use of scrapbooking items for other crafts like the bracelet, card tree and especially the chicken wire frames! I think I will do that to display Christmas cards this year. What a fun week, thanks again.

  30. Thanks for sharing with us your finds of the week! It was so much fun to see all the new stuff!!

  31. You have done an awesome job recapping the show! I hope that one day I will get to see all of the new stuff in person!

  32. Thanks for sharing CHA with us! I love seeing all of the new stuff!

  33. Thanks so much for showing all those goodies, it was almost like being there…now I know what I`ll keep a look-out for, can`t wait to see these IRL 🙂 Cheers from Vicky, all the way from Australia

  34. ooohhhh, still drooling all the way from Oz!

  35. Thank you for sharing so much about CHA!

  36. Thank you sooo much for sharing with us and allowing those of us who couldn’t make it there to see all the goodies!

  37. I can’t wait to get my hands on this new stuff!! I want it all!!!!

  38. this stuff is awesome!! I want it all and can’t wait to get my hands on it!!

  39. thanks for showing us all the great new stuff – my favorite today was the Bazzill booth with the pom pom tree

  40. Well there you have it. I originally got here about 2 hours ago-but I just kept clicking and linking. Amazing how much I’ve learned. I’m afraid something like CHA would actually be too much for me. My poor brain would just shut down. So thank you for taking me there via the net, it was the a real treat for me.


  42. Oh, my GOODNESS!!! I absolutely LOVE the DOODLEBUG STORAGE CABINET!!
    How cute are those scallops?…and the POLKA DOTS?!! Please tell me it will be in the stores soon… It’s the perfect way to display and store my favorite scrapbooking goodies!
    Thanks for all of the FUN reports and videos from CHA!

  43. It was great seeing everything since I couldn’t be there…can’t wait to get to use some of the products!!

  44. Love the paper wall covering idea… very pretty.

  45. Thanks for the great reports! I looked forward to reading the posts everyday!

  46. I loved that little jumping frog stamp! Don’t know if anyone noticed it between all the cute birds, but it just caught my eye! Thanks for sharing all the CHA news! I get excited & hyperactive from just looking at this blog 🙂 No wonder you guys have sensory overload!

  47. Thanks so much for taking us on this wonderful ride with you. I love CHA. All the products shown today were amazing!!!!! I love the fashion projects and especially the witches hat, Ive got a thing for witches!!!! Cant wait for the PRIMA flowers to come out. I think my wallet is going to shed a tear cause I think Ill have to have one of each!!!!

  48. Eye Candy! Pure Eye Cany! Wow! Wow! Those girly Prima flowers, to die for! I don’t know how you control yourselves. I would be skipping up and down and squeeling! 😀

  49. So many lovely things to drool over! Internal thoughts: If my family only eats beans for a week, I can buy about $100 worth of cool new product. On the other hand, we’re all overweight, perhaps we just don’t eat for a week. Then I could buy $175 worth. THAT would make me happy! I’m going to have to come up with a whopper of a story for this one though. Maybe instead Meg will pick my comment and my family will get to eat AND I’ll get some new toys.

    So, Meg, please pick me. Do it not because I’ve made some insightful, delightful comment, but to Help the Starving Children of Massachusetts. (Don’t worry about my husband; he can fend for himself).

    FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED the Woooooooooooorld …. let them know it’s CHA time.

  50. Great pictures Meg! I really loved looking at all those awesome projects 🙂 You did a great job with the CHA Tour!!

  51. I loved this week of videos, peeks and fun. thanks for giving us an up close and personal tour of CHA. I loved it.

  52. Love love love the Doodlebug organization items and Maya Road sheers are fantastic!!!

  53. Thank you so much for sharing all the neat new stuff from the CHA Show. It is so exciting to see so many new and wonderful items that will soon be available to us through our retail shops. I’m saving up now for that. The projects that were showcased using the new product were fantastic. Thanks again.

  54. Thank you for sharing all the neat new stuff with us! I don’t know if this would be possible, but is there any way to have your great pictures of these new products enlarge by clicking on them so we can get a closer look? The links to the product websites are great, but it seems like most of the time these new products are not posted there yet. It would be great to get a better look at them! Thanks again!

  55. Great idea using chickenwire, and I loved the paper witches hat! Thanks for all the lovely photos!

  56. I’m always impressed with what papercrafters come up with. Jewelry from chipboard….seriously brilliant! Are those new Bella Blvd. flowers made from tissue paper. They seem so delicate. They new Primas are amazing, too. I see hair bows for my princess in the near future.

  57. I’m loving the Hambly woodgrain on the minibook. I wonder if it’s a transparency or stencil? Love their stuff. Great quality.

  58. Thanks for the concise and comprehensive rundown of the CHA show!

  59. Thank you for sharing so many wonderful photos of the different booths & projects created for CHA. I especially loved the Doodlebug organization system & Tim Holtz products. I can’t wait to get some of these products in my hands!

  60. I loved the glimpse into CHA this week! It certainly cheers up those of us who couldn’t be there 🙂

  61. Love the new Hambly and those fab Prima flowers! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  62. Thanks for answering my question!

  63. Thanks so much for the videos and pics and info on all the new goodies! It’s like I was there!

  64. Thanks for sharing the videos and bits and pieces! I can’t wait to get some of these new products:) Thanks for sharing – it’s been a great sneak peek!

  65. Thanks for sharing this week – I loved seeing all of it!! I think my favorite though was the jillibean polka dot ribbon – I would love to use that on cards and pages!!!!!

  66. Thanks for all the write-ups. It feels like I’m there as well, soaking in all the excitement over new products and pretty displays.

  67. Wow! Can’t wait till all the new products hit the stores…thanks for sharing!!!

  68. I would go nuts at CHA! I would want to buy way too many things once they were out. Especially the ADORABLE organization stuff from Doodlebug. I love containers and totes. I’ve had so much fun this week checking your blog everyday. Thanks!

  69. It’s been such a fun week. IT was my first time ever seeing what goes on inside a CHA show…pretty cool. Thank you so much for sharing some of the excitement and inspiration with us! Maybe I’ll be there next time for the Winter CHA!

  70. I’ve loved the behind the scenes action we’ve been able to see

  71. I love this week. I like that you took time to show us a little of CHA.

  72. wow, the amount of new products is so overwhelming (in a really good way) thank you for sharing your personal take on CHA, I loved those Prima flowers too- they remind me of one of my grandma’s hat pins!

  73. Thanks for sharing all this information, photos, videos. It must be a lot of work for you all, but it is not going unnoticed!! 🙂

  74. Thanks for all you did to show us the greatness of CHA!!! I love the Hambly and the stamps in this post!!!

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